Oklahoma Yorkies

Yorkie Pocket Puppies

Our Yorkie puppies come in multiple sizes Pocket Puppy, Micro Mini, Teacup, and Toy. The Micro Mini Yorkie is 1 pound or less approximately, where the micro mini, teacups and toys are larger. Pocket Puppies require extra care on and off furniture as they will not be able to jump on and off without serious risk of injury. The Pocket Puppy is a true travel companion, you will be able to take your Yorkie anywhere you go in your coat pocket. We recommend these puppies have supervision around small children. The puppies shall not be in contact with any other animals until 20th week at which time they have completed their shot schedule. You may order cloths online as their are not many selections here in Oklahoma for that tiny of a puppy, cat apparel is what we use. We recommend 1/8 cup Blue Jack puppy food twice a day with a can of soft food Puppy Pedigree as a treat before bed. We also provide you with essentials like Vitamins given 3 times a day. And bottle water as to avoid the bacteria and stomach issues are in our sink water.

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