Oklahoma Yorkies



Honestly, Yorkies ought to be referred to has the potato chips of the dog world because the phrase ‘You can’t have just one” is our motto. Rehoming fees differ because of the size, heritage and gender of the Yorkie puppy. The rehoming service fee for each puppy allows for us to maintain pac leadership training, socialization and senior care for every Yorkie. For example, if we order medicine online we could minimize the fee. Having the professional medical providers we mitigate the risk of having complications in the future. Our policy mandates that professionals must provide wellness checks. Puppies that lack medical care can be adopted for lesser fees but not from us. We see the worth in each puppy and choice to provide professional care in every phase of development. Registration provides lineage bloodline validation and verification for all puppies. The combined socialization and training has lead to more socially developed puppies. If your interested in rehoming ..
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The "Yorkie" Yorkshire can range from 1lb to 20 lbs full grown. Common colors expressed are: black, brown, tan and white chest. The puppies we tend to rehome are smaller. We have a variety of sizes, colors and bloodlines that range from under 1 lb grown to 5 lbs fully grown.

​Yorkies are very active and playful as the Yorkshire. The Yorkshire maintains stronger base and thicker body development. Yorkies form strong attachments to owners as well as desire a lot of attention from their owners. Yorkies are a very social dog and love to be played with by small children and adults. They both will not show any sign of aggression during heavy handling or play time with small children. Yorkie are excitable, energetic, confident and loyal. This breed is usually easily trainable because of its obedience, but can be stubborn if not given attention, so it is important to begin training early on in its life. Yorkies will play fetch with tennis balls and other dog toys.

Yorkies are very excited to play dress up. They will let children of any ages place them in any outfit. They love to show off their new looks to anyone willing to look. From holiday costumes to spring boots and coats, Yorkies will not try to remove the attire. When you dare take off the outfit, they will go get it and beg to put it back on. Super cute. 

Yorkie normally get along well with other dogs and non-canine pets that they have been brought up with or meet along a walk. They both think they are bigger than they really are so be careful, other dogs may mistake them for toys. Yorkies can be destructive if left alone for extended periods but the damage is never extensive given their size, at such times they are also prone to excessive barking when they since a stranger walking or driving by the home. They will only bark at unfamiliar adults or rabbits running through the garden. Like many dogs, Yorkies are suspicious of strangers or unusual sounds in their environment and are quick to alert owners.


We do have Yorkies approved to be used as a studs. When using these studs, you may have to wait up to 48-hours to breed your bitch. Any dogs open for public stud can be used for breeding right now. Contact us.


Bringing home a puppy is a joyous event. First and foremost, they’re incredibly cute. I have never ever encountered a puppy without smiling? Of course not. But choosing a puppy is no laughing matter. Puppies grow – all too quickly –into dogs. So it’s critically important to make informed decision about acquiring a socialized, trained and well-mannered puppy. And, scheduling the time of the year is crucial as well.  
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